In the News

Chalkbeat Article about Global Leaders - December 2024

 five people standing in front of a bulletin board facing the camera smiling 

We thank Big Apple Basketball, the Chosen League and Madison Square Garden for their support with basketball instruction and allowing us to play at the Garden!!

International Baccalaureate Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - September 8, 2023

 Broadway World

Students on stage performing. 


The 14th annual Shubert Foundation / Music Theatre International Broadway Junior Student Finale took place on May 14, 2019 at Broadway's Imperial Theatre, hosted by James Harkness and Jawan M. Jackson, stars from Broadway's new hit, Ain't Too Proud - The Life and Times of The Temptations.

Broadway World Article

NBC's Ann Curry

NBC's Ann Curry's report on the School for Global Leaders "Students Making Real Change".

Original Air Date: December 23, 2008

  Ann Curry reporting on SGL 


School Walkout - April 20, 2018

In November 2017 Global Leaders' students did an IPW project advocating for change that would end gun violence in schools.  Months later more are dead.  SGL students wrote to governmental officials then and they shared them again.  We will never stop caring and calling for change.  #Enough  #NationalSchoolWalkout

Chalkbeat covered the story of students across the nation in solidarity.  Global Leaders' received an honorable mention.

 ENOUGH sign posted on school gate.